The founder of WUB ETHIOPIA TOURS private company is an experienced tourism expert who has been working in tourism institutions for more than 25 years. In one of Ethiopian languages, in Amharic the word “Wub” means; Stunning, Wonderful, Beautiful, etc.

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omo valley tribesThe Lower Omo Valley is located in South-Western Ethiopia, which are now world renowned areas for discovery of many hominid fossils that have been fundamental importance in the study of human evolution. The lower Omo is also home to a remarkable cultural diversity of small, contrasting ethnic groups.

­Tsemai, Benna, Ari, Arbore, Hamer, Bume, Karo, Dassenech, Geleb, Mursi and the Hamer are some of the remarkable tribes to name. Lifestyles are as various as the tribes themselves. Most of them practices basic subsistence cultivation with small-scale cattle-herding - lives of harsh simplicity uncluttered by the pressures of the modern world.

WUB Ethiopia Tours Southern Cultural Tours