Tour Description
Ethiopia is a vast country with various terrain and ecological zones. It is the fourth largest biodiversity zone in the world. The difference between the highest mountain Ras Dashen (4620mts) and lowest points (120meters is below sea level), ranges 4740 meters and this enables the country to grow vegetation and animals varieties that could be found between tropics and poles.
Due to its various and diverse eco-systems with different habitat, Ethiopia has some of the richest bird life in the horn of Africa with more than with 863 species registered so far, representing about 9.5% of the worlds and 39% of Africa's birds. Ethiopia has 31 endemic birds found in different areas of the country.
Coffee is one of Ethiopia’s gift to the world, it was discovered in a place called “Kaffa”, western Ethiopia and got its name coffee, and in large areas of western Ethiopia coffee still grows as part of natural forest. Western Ethiopia is endowed with intact nature and culture, it is home to virgin forests, unique tribes and wild life and yet the least discovered regions.
WUB ETHIOPIA TOURS special package offers new fixed and tailor made special tour packages including the bird watching tour, coffee tour ,exploring western Ethiopia and Gambela that could be done between 10 to 16 days.